Fill in our online submission
form, to get our help!
1. What does CV shortlisting mean?
To identify candidates from an application pool, who meet the required criteria for the open vacancy. If an applicant is shortlisted, it means they meet the skills and capabilities required to do the job, based on the job’s duties and responsibilities as stipulated in the advertisement of the open vacancy.
2. How do we receive the data to Shortlist?
Option 1
All applicant CVs are delivered to us, by applicable media. [USB, WeTransfer, Compressed File, share Drive, etc.]
Take Note: The category (for our rates) will be determined by the number of CVs supplied to us.
Option 2
Our email address is put on your Advertisement, all applicant CVs are directly sent to Namify, for us to administer your shortlisting
Take Note: The category (for our rates) will be determined by the number of CVs directly received.
3. Our Policies:
We take CV Shortlisting very seriously, that is why we understand that the process should always be handled in a confidential manner, we pledge that no information will be sold nor distributed from Namify or Help Desk Experts – HDE. After we completed your CV Shortlisting, all information will be handed back to you, no copies will be kept.
4. Our Rates:
Are calculated according to our 7 Categories, (A – G)
Starting at only N$ 555.56 FOR 100 CVs.
Our Categories enable us to give accurate rates for every client, big or small, in accordance with the number of CV’s provided for shortlisting. And that is why we are affordable!
4. How long do we take to provide a shortlist to you?
Depending on the option chosen at Nr. 2
Option 1
We stive to deliver the Shortlisted CV’s 2 working days after the applicant CVs has been delivered to Namify.
Option 2
We stive to deliver the Shortlisted CV’s 2 working days after the closing date on the advertisement.
5. Who will be doing the shortlisting?
A Professional Human Resources Specialist accompanied by an administrator.